Friday, November 7, 2008

TUESDAY (Day one of no sugar) - Good, did not cheat!

WEDNESDAY (Day two of no sugar) - Good, didn't eat any sugar, had a headache, but did not cheat!

THURSDAY (Day three of no sugar) - CRAPPY!!! Went to a Birthday Party and ate all the yummy treats I could get my hands on! :) And oh where those Oreo and cream cheese balls dipped in white chocolate soooooooo good! It was all worth it :)

I am so mad at myself. So now, on FRIDAY, I start all over at Day one! Once again, good luck to me :(


Kim & Max Willis family said...

first of all you look amazing so i say eat whatever you want!! but keep up the good work! by the way when do you color your hair dark ( I Love it)

Jones Family said...

OH, but weren't they worth it!?!? They were SOOO good! It was great to see you... adorable as always!

Hiatt Family said...

I ate a chocolate-covered oreo too! Those were dang good. I've done worse than you at the no sugar thing this week but better than I was doing. Baby steps, right?!