Tuesday, May 11, 2010


My Kash man graduated from preschool today. Today was such a treat for me. I was such a dork standing in the back with the HUGEST smile, my video camera, and my still shot camera, and a baby in my arms. I was such a proud mommy! I love you Kash. And I love Mrs. Rogers too! She has worked her magic on these kids day after day. Kash has memorized dozens of poems, knows how to write his name, and so much more and he's only 3! Kash, I am so proud of you! I love you!


Rhonda said...

I think that you have every right to be a proud mama!!!

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

megan- i have missed you so much!!
your little babe is getting sooo big, already 4-5 months now??. it makes me SOOOo sad to see how fast these babies grow up. They are the absolute BEST thing ever...i've never loved this baby thing more in my life.
Great picture of you, your hair is always the cutest.